Saturday, August 28, 2021

The World's Most Powerful People

The World's Most Powerful People

Usually, elected leaders from politics exercise the most power. However, outside politics also there are many influential leaders from the field of religion, Innovation, Business, Social media, and entertainment. Because of the huge following and cult, these people are looked up to as opinion shapers and influencers. Here we are sharing the list of the most powerful people in the World. 10 Most Powerful People in the World in 2021 Below is the list of the 10 Most Powerful People in the World:

1 / 10
Xi Jinping
2 / 10
Vladimir Putin
3 / 10
Donald Trump
4 / 10
Angela Merkel
5 / 10
Jeff Bezos
6 / 10
Pope Francis
7 / 10
Bill Gates
8 / 10
Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
9 / 10
Narendra Modi
10 / 10
Larry Page

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