Showing posts with label CTET Year - 2014 (Paper 1). Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTET Year - 2014 (Paper 1). Show all posts

Monday, April 19, 2021

Child Development and Pedagogy (MCQ) CTET Year - 2014 (Paper 1)

 1. Cognitive development is supported by

(a) conducting relevant and well-designed tests as frequently as possible

(b) presenting activities that reinforce traditional methods

(c) Providing a rich and varied environment

(d) focusing more on individual activities in comparison to collaboration

Answer. (c)

2. Human development is

(a) quantitative

(b) qualitative

(c) unmeasurable to a certain extent

(d) both quantitative and qualitative

Answer. (d)

3. The nature-nurture debate refers to

(a) genetics and environment

(b) behaviour and environment

(c) environment and biology

(d) environment and upbringing

Answer. (a)

4. Which of the following is a passive agency of socialization?

(a) Health club

(b) Family

(c) Eco club

(d) Public library

Answer. (d)

5. In Vygotsky's theory, which aspect of development gets neglected

(a) Social

(b) Cultural

(c) Biological

(d) Linguistic

Answer. (c)

6. Which of the following stages are involved when infants "THINK" with their eyes, ears and hands?

(a) Concrete operational stage

(b) Pre-operational stage

(c) Sensorimotor stage

(d) Formal operational stage

Answer. (c)

7. Ria does not agree with Rishabh about setting up a class picnic. She thinks that the rules can be revised to suit the majority. This kind of peer disagreement, according to Piaget, refers to

(a) Heteronomous morality

(b) Cognitive immaturity

(c) Reaction

(d) Morality of cooperation

Answer. (d)

8. Which one of the following is a form of Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?

(a) Practical Intelligence

(b) Experimental Intelligence

(c) Resourceful Intelligence

(d) Mathematical Intelligence

Answer. (a)

9. Who developed the first Intelligence test?

(a) David Wechsler

(b) Alfred Binet

(c) Charles Edward Spearman

(d) Robert Sternberg

Answer. (b)

10. Phonological awareness refers to the ability to

(a) reflect and manipulate the sound structure

(b) speak fluently and accurately

(c) know, understand and write

(d) master the rules of grammar

Answer. (a)

11. Gender discrimination in a classroom

(a) Does not affect the performance of the students

(b) May lead to diminished effort or performance of the students

(c) May lead to diminished effort, or performance of the male students

(d) is done more by the male teachers than their female counterparts

Answer. (b)

12. Which of the following is an example of learning style?

(a) Visual

(b) Accrual

(c) Factual

(d) Tactual

Answer. (a)

13. A teacher collects and reads the work of the class, then plans and adjust the next lesson to meet student needs. He/ She is doing

(a) Assessment of learning

(b) Assessment as learning

(c) Assessment for learning

(d) Assessment at learning

Answer. (c)

14. Teachers who work under School Based Assessment

(a) are overburdened as they need to take frequent tests in addition to Monday tests

(b) need to assign projects work in each subject to individual students

(c) observe students minutely on a daily basis to assess their values and attitudes

(d) feel a sense of ownership for the system

Answer. (d)

15. "How do grades differ from marks?" This question belongs to which of the following classes of question?

(a) Divergent

(b) Analytic

(c) Open-ended

(d) Problem-solving

Answer. (b)

16. Girls students

(a) learn questions on mathematics well but face difficulty only when they are asked to reason them out

(b) are as good in mathematics as boys of their age

(c) perform less competently in spatial concepts than boys of their age

(d) possess more linguistic and musical abilities

Answer. (b)

17. Difficulty in recalling sequence of letters in words and frequent loss of visual memory is associated with

(a) Dyslexia

(b) Dyscalculia

(c) Dysgraphia

(d) Dyspraxia

Answer. (a)

18. 'Education-of-all-in-schools-for-all' could be a tagline for which of the following?

(a) Cohesive education

(b) Inclusive education

(c) Cooperative education

(d) Exclusive education

Answer. (b)

19. Fluency, elaboration originality and flexibility are the factors associated with

(a) giftedness

(b) talent

(c) divergent thinking

(d) acceleration

Answer. (a)

20. Gifted students may be asked to spend more time on questions dealing with

(a) remembering

(b) understanding

(c) creating

(d) analyzing

Answer. (c)

21. Learning disabilities in Mathematics can be assessed most appropriately by which of the following tests?

(a) Aptitude tests

(b) Diagnostic tests

(c) Screening tests

(d) Achievement tests

Answer. (b)

22. Concept maps are most likely to increase understanding of new concept by

(a) Transferring knowledge between content areas

(b) Focusing attention on specific details

(c) Prioritizing academic content for study

(d) Increasing ability to organize information logically

Answer. (d)

23. According to the theory of social learning of Albert Bandura, which of the following is true?

(a) Play is essential and should be giodelling is a principal way for children to learn

(c) An unresolved crisis can harm a child.

(d) Cognitive development is independent of social development

Answer. (c)

24. Deductive reasoning involves

(a) reasoning from general to particular

(b) reasoning from particular to general

(c) active construction and reconstruction of knowledge

(d) methods including inquiry learning and heuristics

Answer. (a)

25. When children learn a concept and use it, practice helps in reducing the errors committed by them. This idea was given by

(a) E.L. Thorndike

(b) Jean Piaget

(c) J.B. Watson

(d) Lev Vygotsky

Answer. (a)

26. Which of the following skill is associated with emotional intelligence?

(a) Memorizing

(b) Motor processing

(c) Envisaging

(d) Empathizing

Answer. (d)

27. The inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioral response and provide specific direction to that response is

(a) Motive

(b) Perseverance

(c) Emotion

(d) Commitment

Answer. (a)

28. Which term is often used interchangeably with the term "motivation"?

(a) Incentive

(b) Emotion

(c) Need

(d) Inspiration

Answer. (c)

29. ________ motives deal with the need to reach satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals.

(a) Effective

(b) Affective

(c) Preservation-oriented

(d) Safety-oriented

Answer. (b)

30. Which one of the following is a factor that affects learning positively?

(a) Fear of failure

(b) Competition with peers

(c) Meaningful association

(d) Pressure from parents

Answer. (c)


DIRECTIONS: Pick out the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the words given below: 1. ADVICE (1) council (2) counsel (3) practice...
